My baby boy is 2 months old today! I can not believe how fast he is growing. We went yesterday for his 2 month check up. He weighs 12 lbs 3 oz, and he is 24 inches long. Unfortunately, we went to the doctor a day early because Colin has his first cold. No fever, but a snuffy nose, sneezing, and a small cough. Since he was not running a fever, the doctor went ahead and gave him his 2 month shots. It was pitiful. He cried and mommy cried. Daddy gets to go for his 4 month shots because I don't know if I can bare it again. Other than his little cold, the doctor said that Colin was perfect.
I have stopped breastfeeding, and he seems to tolerate formula pretty well. He is eating 5 oz every 3 1/2 or 4 hours. He is also starting to go for longer stretches in between feedings at night (6 or 7 hours). This makes for a happy mommy:) He is starting to smile at us which I can't get enough of. It is really the sweetest smile ever. He loves being rocked which is good because I could sit and rock him all day long. He still loves his paci, but has a hard time keeping it in his mouth sometimes. He has been sleeping pretty good in his pack n play at night, but since he has been sick he has been sleeping with us. I have been worried about his breathing since his nose has been so stuffy. He is starting to stay awake more during the day too. Starting tomorrow, he will be staying with my sister during the day because I have to go back to work:( I am a little anxious, but I know that Aunt Jenn Jenn will take great care of him. Plus, she can send me pictures of him daily which I will look forward to everyday. My little man is growing so fast, and I am trying to enjoy every second of every stage that he goes through. I love every piece of him and truly can not get enough!
Happy 2 Months Colin.....Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
Love the pics. He is getting big and aunt steph missed him!!!
I miss him; he's getting so big!! Good luck at work, and let's go to Chuy's soon!!!
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