Sleep: Sleep is still better good other than the bathroom breaks.
Movement: He is still moving a good bit. I can tell that he is getting too big for his small space though. His movements are more dragging movements then kicks. His also has the hiccups at least once every other day. Eli can feel them too:)
Food cravings: I was really wanting Milos the other day! Good thing I only have a few weeks left because it is getting harder to resist the foods I can't have!
Gender: Precious Baby Boy- Colin
Labor Signs: Still the same- A few Braxton Hicks everyday. A few backaches here and there, and I also have been having some sharp menstural type cramps.
Belly button in or out? I am going to go ahead and call it out. I think you can even see it sticking out in my belly pic:)
What I miss: Nothing too much this week
What I am looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment which is today and finishing up Colin's room this weekend!
Doctor Update: I go for my 35 week check up this afternoon. I will post an update later:)
Belly Pic
You look great! I swear your weeks fly by. Seems like every time I log on your a week closer to meeting Colin!
I know it's crazy!! Don't worry yours will go by just as fast:). Jackson will be here before you know it:)
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