Sleep: Sleep is still good other than the bathroom breaks. It is definitely getting harder to get up from the bed though.
Movement: Still moving pretty good. I can feel him moving very very very low which is kind of weird feeling.
Food cravings: JAPANESE:) Some fried rice and veggies with special sauce.....yummy!
Gender: Precious Baby Boy- Colin
Labor Signs: Still the same- A few Braxton Hicks everyday. A few backaches here and there, and I also have been having some sharp menstrual type cramps.
Belly button in or out? It's an outtie
What I miss: Dr Pepper..... when I am around others drinking soda it is so hard not to take a little sip! I know if I take one sip it will just make me want more! I can have diet drinks, but I just do not like them or their horrible after taste!
What I am looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Thursday:) and meeting my little man when he decides he is ready to come out!
Doctor Update: When I went last week, the doctor said everything was perfect:) Colins heartrate was 145 and the doctor estimated that he weighed 5 or 6 lbs. I was not dilated any, but he said that I was starting to thin out. We go back Thursday morning and hopefully I will have progressed some more. I will also find out my results from the Strep B test.
Belly Pic
You look gorgeous and I cannot wait to meet Colin. Love you!! really excited to be home for some of your maternity leave. Keep that on the DL.
SO CLOSE!!!! I keep counting down and I say well it could be 4 weeks or maybe even 3....SO little time left before you meet you Little Guy! Can't wait to see who he looks like!
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