Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 1, 2011

Baby Shower Part 2

As you can see from yesterday's post, the shower was perfect.  Not only did the hostesses do a great job, but we had a great turn out.  I was so good to see all of my friends and family.  Some of my friends I had not seen in a long time.  I also got to meet this little one....FINALLY! 
Here are some more pictures of all my family and friends:)
(Click on collage pictures to enlarge)

 We also had lots of babies at the shower which were a lot of fun:)
Here are some pictures of everyone playing the shower games!

And finally here are all the goodies that Colin got from his friends and family!   
We got 3 different baskets stuffed with lots of baby neccessities.  One had tons of mongrammed goodies too!

Here is the outfit my mom bought for Colin to come home from the hospital in... She buys a Feltman Brothers outfit for all her grandkids with their name monogrammed on it:)  We had a hard time finding one that Eli somewhat approved of!

This is Colin's present from Jackie's dog Max.  As you can see, the dog on the outfit looks just like Max:)

We would like to thank all of a wonderful family and friends for their amazing presents.  I am still trying to sort through and organize everything in his room.  We love you all very much, and I know that Colin can't wait to meet you all:)  I will leave you with a belly pic from the shower.  It is growing by the day!

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

A present from the cute is that! I may steal that idea :)

So glad you had a good shower! Looks like you are all set!